Showing posts with label vision boards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision boards. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Business of Visioning(R)

Lately I have felt as if I am living the manifestation of one of my past collage images. The image depicts an empty room with an expansive wood floor, a fireplace and a bank of windows. It wasn't until I set my new handwoven orange basket on the fireplace that I remembered the image. So I reviewed my collages until I found it. Turns out the orange color was in the overall warm tones of the picture. (Top image in collage below)

Vision Board 2004/2005

I know as a writer it is important to review the daily journaling I've done over the past few months. Doing so helps me know what is important to my life right now. It helps me decide if I want to continue in a particular direction or not. It tells me if there was a resolution to a problem, or if  I need to take an action step.

Reviewing my collages was an emotional journey through my Visioning(R) life. When I found the image I was looking for, it initially made me sad. I still had images of an office worker receiving recognition from her colleagues, yet that hasn't manifested in my own working life. This led to a review of inner child work 101:

Have I been giving myself the recognition I crave or am I still seeking approval from others?

On the other hand, reading the heading of my business card on that same collage made me smile. The business card phrase "move right through life's little obstacles" was the idea for the title of my book: My Body, My Car: How to Coach Your Self Through Life's little Accidents.

Here is what Lucia has to say about the business of Visioning(R).

We can talk about the magnetic power of one's heart's desire, about the nonlinear nature of the pathways of the heart, yet we must be prepared to use the left-brain process of putting one foot in front of the other. There's a place for the slow, decidedly un-magical side of life: filling out forms, scheduling the calendar, and keeping track of things in a personal day planner or computer database. If you can't handle the mundane, the chances of your dealing with the magic of creativity are going to be pretty slim. You may get your dream, but if you aren't grounded in the procedural part of things, you may not have a vessel to contain it. Before the master musician can surrender and let the creative self play its divine music through her, she has studied and practiced for years and years.

 -- Lucia Capacchione, page 152, Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams.

Prior to becoming a certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts facilitator, I was a highly creative person, but I was a kite without a string. After graduating in 2004, I began my new  relationship with accounting. Step 1 before step 2. Don't analyze the process, trust the process.
Yes, the nine-to-five sometimes makes me crazy , but I am able to finance my creative projects.

So, if you find yourself stuck at the manifestation waiting station, maybe it's time to shake up your future dreams by visiting your Visioning(R) past.

Awaken Your Intuition using Structural Constellations at Lucia's next workshop, October 11, Morro Bay, Ca. 

Dorothy Segovia is a writer, certified Visioning(R) coach and author.  Her website is

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Visioning® Allowing Room for Chaos

Let's say you've just moved into a big new house. It's twice the size of the space you are living. There are boxes all over. Some are neatly labeled, but no matter how carefully you packed, there are a few surprises when you unpack: the measuring cups are in with the laundry detergent, your library novel got tucked into the toiletry box. Depending on your daily responsibility's, it can take a while to get things put into their proper place. It takes time to get the feel of where the pictures should hang.

Woman Moving Into New Home And Unpacking Boxes

In the same way we need time to recreate ourselves when we move, we need to allow the same re-creation time when we are playing with our completed vision boards. Let's face it, when we first enter our new digs, chaos happens. When it comes to manifesting our desires we are literally moving our stuck energy out of our bodies and expanding into something new. While the process is definitely exciting, stretching our psychic limbs may not always feel so good. But remember, we got a taste of the chaotic energy in Visioning® Step 5 when we learned to make order out of our messy, juicy vision.

"When we encounter chaos in the creative process, everything feels topsy-turvy. We're the Hanged man card in the tarot deck, suspended by our feet. Our linear left brains are helpless when we face the mystery of creative chaos head-on. Of course artists understand this subterranean world where new life takes shape. So do pregnant women, gardeners, shamans, and all those who have dared to participate in birthing something new. Innovators and explorers who venture off the straight and narrow path, who shun the predictable, the acceptable, and the approved live in this zone. Creative chaos is it's name and change is its game.
The challenge is that change is difficult. It's so much easier to retreat into the safety of the known and the familiar. What may be the most difficult is learning to live with the possibilities that change presents. When we change we redefine ourselves." page 104, Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams.

The Dreamer: Panel 3 of 5 part series

When I created my latest collage series, I didn't have any agenda other than to follow my heart and stand for my truth out in the world. Generally when I think of this type of creating, I think of high energy, go-go-going. It was enlightening for me to journal with The Dreamer, who felt "peacefully expansive" because "she can see ahead to where I'm going." The writing was filled with the acceptance that I am already living my dream. That's it, no forcing involved. This is good news, because lately due to my super busy schedule (I was secretly hoping The Dreamer was actually The Napper) the phrase on panel 4 feels intimidating.

Panel 4 of 5 part series

"Contributors: It's time to build the next great empire. May the gods be with you."

When I read the above phrase, my mind whirled. "The next great empire, why isn't going for another round of rewrites on my musical enough? Empire? I just want to memorize the song I wrote last September, in my room at the ranch...alone."

Giving myself time to be with The Dreamer gives me time to relax into my vision, which includes the imagery on panel 4, but I'm not there yet. It gives me time to let my truth take shape, since speaking my truth through writing IS my dream. Time gives me the freedom to sort through my old furniture and take a load of unnecessary approval-seeking and inner criticism to the garbage.

To practice the art of moving through your own obstacles to your success, visit Lucia's site: Here you can purchase her book, find out about certified coaches in your area and read about Lucia's story.

Dorothy Segovia is a certified Visioning Coach® and author. Visit her at

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Three-panel Vision Solutions

While Visioning® a dream is an amazing process, collage also works when seeking solutions to daily stress. For instance, I work a full-time job, a part-time job and also care-take the ranch where I live. My life is completely opposite from my recent two-year stint as a pet-sitter. Needless to say, I've struggled to maintain balance.

I've endured shoulder, arm and hand difficulty as I've acclimated to computer work most of the week. I've learned to say “no” to many friend invitations in order to say “yes” to me. I've become bad at returning calls. While I know it is vital to create a schedule that includes  creative time, I'm struggling with time management.

Now that my body is used to my work life; thanks to my stand up desk and willingness to try a variety of keyboard, mouse, and chair combinations—my stress has taken the form of an eczema breakout. And it is no big surprise that it's happening on my shoulders and arms.

In order to accept and listen to my symptoms, my go to solution is the three-part collage. 

Image courtesy of
Here's how it works.

Take a large rectangle paper (18 x 24 inch) and fold it into three equal sections. (Three pages of 8 1/2 x 11 works too.) Lay the paper on the table in front of you and number them as follows:

The left section is Number 1: where you are now.

The right section is Number 2: where you want to be.

The middle section is Number 3: the solution.

Take several minutes to breathe, grab a magazine and go. The key is to work quickly, only using a few images per section depending on the amount of time you have. The process is focus on one panel at a time in number order.

Rip out a few images that grab you, trim and glue (or tape) to the page. Then work the next panel. In between each section, take a few minutes to breathe and look at the images, but don't stop to journal.

For example: I just took a break to complete a collage on 18 x 24 inch paper in 40 minutes.

Regarding the eczema question, my surprise about section 1 is that I don't have a picture of skin anywhere. Instead I have the truth-telling phrase:

“I'm aging and panicking. Where can I find peace?”

Gulp. This really is where my head has been at: I've been feeling my age in all aspects of my life.

Panel 2 depicts a sleeping woman and the phrase OWN every Sunday.

Sunday is my one day off and basically, sleeping on Sunday is exactly where I have been for the past several months.

The middle section, representing the middle path between worrying about aging yet wanting to sleep my time away is an image of two horses standing in a field with the word Soulbringer across the photo.

So. Without picking up the pen I've already discovered two things: my stress has to do with growing older and that my sleep through Sunday solution is no longer working. I have an inkling about what the horse images are, but I want to spend time gaining clarity before I share!!!

NEXT MONTH: My favorite techniques for discovering the secrets of my vision board.

If you don't want to wait that long to learn how to work with your own collage, check out Lucia's book, Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams. The chapters are loaded with journaling methods you can use to gain insights to your vision.

To purchase Lucia's book or information on her 2014 workshops, click here to go to her website.

Dorothy Segovia is a certified Visioning Coach, writer and musician who practices the art of collage in all of her creative projects. To find out more, visit her at

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Visioning Step 5: Explore and Find Order in Chaos

The hardest part about this step is the word explore. The reason is that if I am in chaos, I want out. Now. Even if I claim I'm willing for the chaos to shift into order, I still want it to happen yesterday.

Here's what Lucia has to say about this vital step in the creative process.

“In Visioning we are reshaping the images in our heads to catch up with the vision in our hearts. The heart leads, or more accurately, it wants us to experience the creative self: its ecstatic highs, unfathomable depths, and everything in between.” Visioning Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams. page 104.

Traveling with Pomegranates co-author Sue Monk Kidd describes her journey with chaos while collaging the outline for her fiction work, The Secret Life of Bee's.

“...It was pretty much an unconscious process. I told myself I was being creative, turning my play instinct loose to roam around and find what fascinated it. Inside, I was thinking: This is nuts.

I ended up culling the pictures to twenty images and randomly gluing them together. Among them: ...A whirling cloud of bees. A black Madonna wrapped in chains... A banner that reads Walls For Wailing."

Kidd goes on to describe her doubt over her idea to write a fiction book. Up until this point, she had only published non-fiction. Kidd also reflects on sharing the collage with her daughter and co-author, Ann Kidd Taylor.

“...When the idea came, it felt inspired, but knowing how capable I was of doubt and how cold my feet would get, I wrote a note to myself: 'Sue, this is a really good idea. Before you dismiss it, remember how you felt when it came to you.'

If it hadn't been for that note, the idea never would have survived. I still wasn't sure whether it was perfectly ridiculous or ridiculously perfect.

Ann does not laugh or roll her eyes. 'So where do they go?' (Ann is referencing the plot scenario that Kidd explained while sharing the collage outline.)

This is the part that makes me nervous, the part over which the novel has stalled.

'I have no idea,' I say.”

Hum. If exploration through collage was Sue Monk Kidd's process for ordering chaos into The Secret Life of Bee's, then by all means—let the chaos begin.

Guest blogger Dorothy Segovia is an author, songwriter and certified Visioning coach living in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. She can be reached via her website at

Monday, January 21, 2013

Visioning Step 1: Setting Your Intention

It is the 3rd week of January. Many of us are living with the resolutions that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. If they are working for you—congrats! You're headed in the right direction. However, if you are struggling, maybe it is time to turn that resolution into an intention.

Step 1- Making a wish or setting the intention.

There is a big difference between resolution and intention. Resolutions often come from our head—what we should be doing: lose weight, finish that project, start exercising. These are all worthy goals, but joy comes from flowing with the heart's intention. Suze Orman once said that she used to exercise regularly because she enjoyed it. But as soon as she made a New Year's resolution about exercising, she stopped. Esther Hicks, author of the Abraham law of attraction books, states that rather than setting a goal— which only locks in the feeling of lack—focusing on what we want and the feeling of having it, allows the dream to manifest. Discovering and allowing our dream is Visioning®

“...once you have heard your creative conscience, you must take action. How wonderful! And how terrifying. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Be careful what you set your heart on, for it will surely be yours.' Having your dreams come true brings a new kind of freedom and fulfillment. It also brings new responsibilities. There will be surprises when you realize your true desires. From each risk you take, you become stronger and learn more about yourself. From every encounter with your creative conscience, you learn more abut who you could be. If you dare to dream and act on your dreams, you have everything to gain: your true creative self.”
--pages 59-61, Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams.

Now that you know the difference between resolutions and intentions, ask yourself these questions from the pages referenced above:

1.Am I ready to look into my heart?

2.Am I ready to partner with my creative self?

3.Am I ready to listen to my creative conscience?

4.Am I ready to have my deepest dreams come true?


Your COMMENTS matter... please tell us about what part of your day you most enjoy and why.

Lucia's Art Studio: Her dream come true.

Guest blogger Dorothy Segovia is a certified Visioning coach. Her latest book “My Body, My Car: How to Coach Yourself Through Life's little Accidents,” is a blend of memoir, self-help and original music. Learn more by visiting

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Visioning 101: Q & A

Visioning® is more than just gluing images and words to a poster board and hanging it up in a room. It is about identifying, committing to and taking responsibility for your heart's desire. This month, Lucia answers questions from the Visioning® graduates about the process.

Why don't all of the images on my collage manifest?
That is not the goal. The goal is to manifest the heart's desire. Some things may lose relevance as time goes by or manifest in different forms.

We know from the work of C.G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, and countless others that the unconscious mind, feelings, intuitions, wishes, and dreams speak most truthfully in the language of images and symbols. This is the domain of the right brain, which specializes in visual-spatial perception, metaphoric thinking, emotional expression, and intuitive knowing. It is the realm of dreams and the arts. By first approaching our deepest feelings and wishes through right-brain visual imagery in pictures, we gain direct access to the unvarnished truth of our heart's true desires. Then we verbalize our insights and our creative process. (Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, page 41.)

Focus Phrase Affirmation Card: I live my own safe and beautiful place.

Why do we need to put a Creative Self first?
We need to remember that our creative self (or divine spark) communicates with the creator through our soul. We receive our heart's desire from this divine source and that same source brings about the manifestation of our heart's desire. We become a channel for divine grace.
The creative symbol is very important. It puts us in touch with the spiritual dimensions of Visioning®. It reminds us that what we do and what we have are simply the means for arriving at a state of being, not doing. What we really seek is an inner experience, not an external acquisition. The creative self symbol keeps us focused on our soul needs. For if we get off the rack, we're likely to be headed for disappointment. We may get what we want, but feel empty when we finally possess it. That's because we were going for the thing, and not the experience. People who do this end up asking the question, “Is that all there is? I achieved my goals, but I'm still unhappy. I'm depressed all the time (or tired or sick or my relationships don't work.) What happened?” Contemplating the creative self logo at the center of your collage reconnects you with your own heart and with the source of all abundance and fulfillment. (Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, page 55.)

Will a collage still work without a focus phrase?
It might, but how do you know you reached your goal? It's important to have the courage to ask for what we want, in no uncertain terms. Many people are not bold enough to ask for their heart's desire because they don't think they deserve to get it. Cultivating a sense of deserving is part of Visioning® and needs to be honored. I use the metaphor of going to a restaurant and ordering what you want. If you don't ask, the server cannot fill your order. The universe works in the same way. After ordering, we don't go into the kitchen and fuss about how the chef is preparing the food. We trust that we will receive what we ordered. That's also part of the Visioning® process. Trust that if you can dream it, it will happen.

Focus Phrase Affirmation Card: It is safe to be me.

I can't seem to get a focus phrase I'd just like to go through the magazines and see where they lead me. Is this okay?

This can work. Another thing to do if you don't have a focus phrase is ask to be shown what your soul wants for you at this time. Or the focus phrase can be, “What is my heart's true desire at this time?" Then let the selection of images and words answer the question. It takes the left brain and old, stale beliefs out of it and allows possibility thinking.

Having your dreams come true brings a new kind of freedom and fulfillment. It also brings new responsibilities. There will be surprises when you realize your true desires. From each risk you take, you become stronger and learn more about yourself. From every encounter with your creative conscience, you learn more about who you could be. If you dare to dream and act on your dreams, you have everything to gain: your true creative self. (Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, page 61.)

Lucia will be answering more questions again next month. If you have any to submit, please post in Comments . To purchase Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, visit: